Sunday, April 29, 2007


Yes- this is very commercial (which I normally wouldn't like, but I love Chris Cornell's- voice and I really liked Rage Against the Machine- I also like the name AudioSLAVE). They supposedly broke up Valentine's Day this year, but performed at Coachella a couple weeks ago- which I missed for really STUPID reasons- I usually go. Maybe they will stay together?

The scenery in the vid. looks like a cross between my backyard and Burningman Festival -which I usually attend. Have you gone before? Any of you going this year? If so- what is your camp name? Email me this info. I'm deciding if I should go. I LOVE burningman. Lotta "fringe" people there. Someday I would like to attend Las Fallas in Spain. I hear it's like Burningman only better. I love Espana.