Thursday, October 26, 2006


Well I'm back from the great white north. I expected there to be fall color, but the trees all fell down in some freak snowstorm that dumped 2 feet of snow on Buffalo last week. It was surreal looking. A lot of things were closed and many people were still w/o power.

I'm really glad to be back in sunny warm Vegas! I didn't realize what a desert rat I've become. I really like it here.

I thought you might like to know some things I did for my birthday...

Went out for lobster
Went to Niagra Falls
Watched the movie Saw and the original Star Wars for the first time-
I found out I'm not much of a geek
Visited a herd of alpacas up close and personal
Didn't go to a cider mill
Watched Kenny Rogers (the gambler) win a World Series game
Drank Tim Horton's coffee
Had a romantic dinner made for me
Went for drinks with a celebrity

I'm sure I left a lot out was very nice.